
Education is a foundation for a prosperous and just society. We ensure the provision of safe and quality education infused with Loba heritage and culture to the future generations of Mustang within our daycare centers, community schools, and Jomsom hostel.

Daycare Centers

Our daycare centers are where children learn their first alphabet and songs. These centers also prepare them for future schooling. We provide safe learning environments for children as young as one year old in our 15 daycare centers, spread across villages in upper Mustang. Before these programs, unsupervised young children would commonly wander in the streets while their parents worked in the fields and farms. This led to accidents and untimely deaths. Now with the daycare centers, families can leave their children in the capable hands of our teachers and work peacefully throughout the day.

Local Language Program

Language is a core component of any culture and helps understand and preserve the culture, tradition, and history of the place. Like in any other marginal community, in Mustang the local language is at risk of disappearing with the older generation. It is essential we provide local language education in schools so that children have a strong foundation in their own language. Hence, we appoint and support local language teachers in five community schools along with required textbooks which preserve Loke, a Tibetan dialect spoken in Mustang.

Monastic Education

Monasteries are one of the oldest educational and religious institutions in the Himalayas. They still hold significant cultural and religious power in society. In the 21 st century, Monasteries have adapted to include modern education content. Now, in addition to the traditional Buddhist philosophy classes, they teach Mathematics, Science, English, and Nepali language lessons to the monks and nuns. In Mustang, we support the education and lodging of over 70 young nuns and monks in Tsarang Monastic School and Tsarang Nunnery School.

Jomsom Hostel

Due to the lack of quality education in upper Mustang, children are being sent to private schools in Jomsom, Pokhara, Kathmandu, and India. Given the living expenses and relatively high tuition fees, most families in the Upper Mustang cannot afford it. Hence, many children, especially girls, stop their education after 7th grade (around age 12 years old). Therefore, LGJF, with funding from AHF, opened a hostel in Jomsom to house children from low-income households in upper Mustang and sponsor their education in Dhaulagiri Boarding School.

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