Message from our Chairperson

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Lo Gyalpo Jigme Foundation’s website. As the chairperson, I am proud to lead a community that recognizes the importance of preserving our cultural heritage, while also promoting education, health, and village infrastructure development.

Our foundation is named in honor of my late father King Jigme Dorje Palbar Bista, and we have received valuable support and guidance from our patron, the late Richard Blum of American Himalayan Foundation. For over two decades, our partnership has been instrumental in improving the lives of the Loba people by fostering education, improving healthcare, developing essential infrastructure, preserving and promoting local language, restoring centuries-old monasteries, culture, and traditions. We collaborate with local
youth and mothers' groups, governments, and other organizations in the region to ensure the preservation, development, and promotion of our heritage and people.

We invite you to explore our website and learn more about the work we do at the Jigme Foundation. Together, let us continue to preserve and promote our cultural heritage by empowering the true stewards of the land, the Lobas.

Jigme Singhi Palbar Bista
Chairperson, Lo Gyalpo Jigme Foundation

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